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斯里兰卡原住民之旅(4 天)

斯里兰卡原住民之旅(4 天)

常规价格 $13,239.00 TWD
常规价格 $14,257.00 TWD 促销价 $13,239.00 TWD
促销 售罄
Date & Time

(SKU:LK10455000)为期四天的游览将带您从佛陀第一次访问斯里兰卡的地方到斯里兰卡的最后一个王国,最后是该岛的商业首都。参观 Mahiyanganaya 的古迹,探索充满艺术气息的圣牙遗迹神庙。最后,探索斯里兰卡的商业中心科伦坡市;这是一个充满各种景观、声音和品味的西方化大都市








这次旅行将带您参观斯里兰卡的原始部落 Veddahs。欣赏沿途的景色。参观 Sorabora Wewa 和 Ulhitiya Wewa 水库,那里为当地人提供水。在到达历史名镇马希扬加纳后,游览马希扬加纳神庙。穿越荒野前往 Dambana Veddah 村。看看这个由极其传统的原始部落组成的社区,他们仍然靠狩猎和耕种在陆地上生活。尽情参观这座小型而私密的博物馆,该博物馆的设立是为了展示维达人几个世纪以来用来捕鱼和狩猎的各种设备








  • 3 晚根据上述行程在酒店或类似标准的酒店住宿
  • 以住宿和早餐为基础的膳食,从第 2 天的早餐开始,到第 5 天的早餐结束
  • 在整个行程中乘坐空调车提供私人接送服务,包括机场接送服务。(2010 年及以上 Mandufacted)
  • 讲英语的司机导游服务
  • 所有适用的当前地方税,但在预订时可能会发生变化


  • 入境签证费,请访问 www.eta.gov.lk 了解更多详情/提交您的个人签证申请
  • 国际/国内机票
  • 任何个人性质的开支
  • 小贴士和搬运费
  • 饮料成本
  • 未指明的餐食
  • 入场费和其他上面未提及的服务


  • 每人每天 1 x 1 升水瓶
  • 每间客房 1 张本地 SIM 卡

2 Nights in Kandy

During your first two days in Kandy you can visit the Pinnawela Elephant Orphange and spend sometime amidst these majestic giants experiencing their daily routine. You can enjoy an extravagant cultural show displaying many art forms depicting the rich heritage of Sri Lanka. There is also a tour to Mahiyanganaya to witness and meet the primitive tribes of Sri Lanka.

Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage

Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage is the home for young Elephants who have been displaced or lost from their natural habitat, located at Pinnawala village in Sabaragamuwa province of Sri Lanka. Pinnawela Elephant Orphanage is the best place for an up close and personal experience with the world’s largest land mammals! Today with 70 elephants herein, Pinnawela has become the home to the largest captive group of elephants in the world.

Cultural Show

The Kandy Cultural Show gives an opportunity to experience some of the traditions of Sri Lanka. Enjoy this hour long extravaganza as some of the most popular art forms of the island take to the stage. Get wowed by fire dancers and sword dancers. Watch the colorful Kandyan dancers take to the air to the thrumming primal beat of the drums.

Mahiyangana Tour

This tour takes you to see the primitive tribes of Sri Lanka, the Veddahs. Enjoy the view along the way. Visit Sorabora Wewa and Ulhitiya Wewa Reservoir, which provide water to the locals. Tour the Mahiyangana Temple on reaching the historic town of Mahiyangana. Travel through the wilderness to the Dambana Veddah village. Get to see this community of incredibly traditional primitive tribe, who still live off the land by hunting and farming. Enjoy looking at the small and intimate museum that has been set up to showcase the various equipment the Veddas have used to fish and hunt over the centuries.

1 Night in Colombo

You will head to Colombo and witness the butsling city life pass by. You will be visiting famous landmarks such as the Old Parliament, the National Museum, Independence Square religious places as well shopping malls and designer stores. You can enjoy the vibrant night life
in Colombo and party till dawn. You will proceed to the airport in the morning.


Experience the colorful lights and bright life ofColombo, the capital City of Sri Lanka. Visit historic monuments such as theOld Lighthouse,the Old ParliamentGalle Face HotelGalle Face Green,Gangarama Temple, theNational Museumand more. Enjoy the malls of Independence Square or the Race Course. Visit boutique shops and designer stores Enjoy the nightlife as you party till the morn.


After the breakfast at the hotel check out and proceed to airport after spending a memorable time in this island.


  • 03 nights’ Accommodation in hotels as per the above itinerary or hotels of similar standards
  • Meals on Bed and Breakfast basis commencing with breakfast on Day 2 and ending with breakfast on Day 05
  • Private Transport with airport transfers in an Air-Conditioned Car throughout the tour. (2010 and Above Manufactured)
  • Service of an English-Speaking Chauffer Guide
  • All applicable current local taxes, but subject to change at the time of booking


  • Entry Visa Fees, please visit www.eta.gov.lk for more details / submit your individual visa application
  • International / Domestic Airfare
  • Any expenses of personal nature
  • Tips & Portages
  • Cost of Beverages
  • Meals where not specified
  • Entrance fees and other services not mentioned above


  • 1 x 1 Litre Water Bottle Per Person Per Day
  • 1 Local SIM Card Per Room
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