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从科伦坡出发的斯里兰卡最后一个王国(3 天)

从科伦坡出发的斯里兰卡最后一个王国(3 天)

常规价格 $12,584.00 TWD
常规价格 $13,552.00 TWD 促销价 $12,584.00 TWD
促销 售罄
Date & Time



  • 私家车运输、燃料、停车和高速公路通行费。
  • 讲英语的司机导游服务。
  • 所有现行税费和服务费。
  • 每人每天 2 个 500 毫升的水瓶。


  • 酒店住宿和膳食。
  • 司机导游的住宿。
  • 相应景点的入场费。
  • 任何个人性质的开支。
  • 签证及相关费用。


第 1 天

科伦坡 > 佩拉德尼亚 > 康提

2 个停靠点



  • 时间:1 小时 30 分钟
  • 免费入场券


参观建于 19 世纪初的著名佩拉德尼亚皇家植物园。漫步在拥有 4000 多种植物的广阔区域。享受更多关于兰花、香料和药用植物的学习的乐趣。漫步在被大型稀有树木遮荫或被开花植物环绕的大道上。欣赏炮弹树,漫步在摇摆不定的悬索桥上,穿过短小的树篱迷宫,甚至爬上构成精美丛林健身房的曲折树木

  • 时长:2 小时
  • 免费入场券

第 2 天


1 个停靠点



  • 时长:3 小时
  • 免费入场券

第 3 天

康提 > 科伦坡

1 个停靠点


遗迹参观被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产的牙神庙,建于 16 世纪,是崇拜和保护佛陀圣牙的地方。漫步在装饰精美的通道和精心绘制的大厅中,大厅采用红色、奶油色和黑色装饰。在雕刻精美的柱子旁休息,欣赏美丽的金色雕像。获得难忘的历史和艺术体验。

  • 时间:1 小时 30 分钟
  • 包括门票


  • 在旅行前 3 天内预订,否则将在预订时收到确认。在这种情况下,将在 48 小时内收到确认,视供应情况而定。
  • 不适合轮椅使用者。
  • 推荐舒适的衣服和帽子。
  • 这次旅行推荐穿着舒适的徒步鞋。建议穿着遮盖良好的服装搭配凉鞋或人字拖前往牙神庙和斯里兰卡的所有其他宗教景点。由于道路交通不可预测,行车时间可能会发生变化。途中可以安排摄影停留,但要在有合理停车区域的地点内停留。
  • 提供婴儿座椅
  • 大多数旅行者可以参加。
  • 这是一次私人旅游/活动。只有您的小组会参加。

Day 1 Colombo > Peradeniya > Kandy

You will start your journey from Colombo and head towards Kandy and en route you will stop over in a few locations. You will enjoy a guided tour at a spice garden in Mawanella and also get to know their uses. Immeidately after, you will proceed to the Royal Botanical Gardens of
Peradeniya and enjoy a peaceful walk admiring nature.


visit a Spice Garden, and do a guided tour of a spice and herbal garden, where you learn about spices and their uses.

  • Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
  • Admission Ticket Free


Visit the famous Royal Botanical Gardens of Peradeniya, which were formed in the early 19th century. Walk through the vast area containing over 4000 species of plants. Enjoy the learning more about the orchids, spices and medicinal plants. Wander down avenues shaded by large and rare trees, or bordered by flowering plants. Enjoy seeing the cannonball tree, walking over the wobbly suspension bridge and through the short hedge mazes or even climbing the twisty trees that make wonderful jungle gyms.

  • Duration: 2 hour
  • Admission Ticket Free

Day 2 Kandy

The second day of the tour allows you to spend a day full of activities including enjoying a walk in one of the villages belonigng to the Kandy district and maybe enjoy a tea factory tour as well. Experience the rural lifestyle along with a short hike through the jungle where you will
enjoy views of a river and waterfall.


Spend the day leisurely. On this day you can opt to go on a village walk with a Tea Factory tour. Stroll through the village, with your private, professional guide, as you get to know the villagers. See the rural lifestyle of the people and the crops they plant. Learn how jaggery is made, then walk to the banks of the river and have a dip in the cool water alongside the locals. Hike through the jungle around the village to discover the beautiful idyllic waterfall.

  • Duration: 3 hours
  • Admission Ticket Free

Day 3 Kandy > Colombo

Your final day will be spent at Kandy while making a visit to the Temple of the Sacred Tooth. The entire structure exudes peacefullness, reverance and royalty  while everyday there are many locals and tourists visiting the temple to worship in prayer. The beautiful interiors will surely impress you. You will be then dropped off at Colombo (your hotel)

Temple of the Sacred Tooth

Relic Visit the Temple of the Tooth Relic a UNESCO World Heritage Site which was built in the 16th century as the place of veneration and protection for Lord Buddha’s sacred tooth. Walk through the beautifully embellished passageways and elaborately painted halls, done in red, cream and black. Lounge against delicately carved pillars and get amazed by the beautiful golden statues. Get an unforgettable experience of history and art.

  • Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
  • Admission Ticket Included

Additional Info

  • Confirmation will be received at time of booking, unless booked within 3 days of travel. In this case confirmation will be received within 48 hours, subject to availability.
  • Not wheelchair accessible.
  • Comfortable clothes and hats recommended.
  • Comfortable walking shoes recommended for this tour. Wearing well-covered attire along with Sandals or Flip Flops are recommend for Temple of the Tooth Relic and to all other religious sights of Sri Lanka. Drive time may change due to unpredictable road traffic. Photography stops on the way can be arranged but within locations with reasonable parking areas.
  • Infant seats available
  • Most travelers can participate.
  • This is a private tour/activity. Only your group will participate.
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