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南方黄金海岸(7 天)

南方黄金海岸(7 天)

常规价格 $15,241.00 TWD
常规价格 $16,413.00 TWD 促销价 $15,241.00 TWD
促销 售罄


本托塔 5 晚


Handunugoda 茶厂

参观Handunugoda茶厂,它也被称为初榨白茶工厂。了解这家工厂生产的茶的历史。了解著名的 Virgin White Tea 是如何完全不被人手触碰的情况下采摘和加工的。品尝一杯美味的茶和美味的巧克力蛋糕,参加品酒会。有机会购买一些茶叶作为纪念品。

Kosgoda 海龟孵化场

参观斯里兰卡西南海岸的科斯哥达海龟孵化场。详细了解来到斯里兰卡海岸筑巢的五种濒危海龟物种。了解 Kosgoda Turtle Care Program 如何帮助保护巢穴,直到它们孵化,并增加宝宝的存活机会。有机会看见、触摸和喂养小海龟;甚至是海龟孵化场照顾的受伤的成年海龟
















  • 私家车运输、燃料、停车和高速公路通行费。
  • 讲英语的司机导游服务。
  • 所有现行税费和服务费。
  • 每人每天 2 个 500 毫升的水瓶。


  • 酒店住宿和膳食。
  • 相应景点的入场费。
  • 司机导游的住宿。
  • 个人性质的费用。
  • 签证及相关费用。
  • 小贴士和搬运费。


  • 每人每天 1 x 1 升的水瓶。
  • 每间客房 1 张本地 SIM 卡。

5 Nights in Bentota

The coastal area of the South offers you some fantastic beaches and some exciting activities to engage in while touring Sri Lanka. You can visit a tea factory in the South and spend a memorable day at a Turtle Hatchery. A visit to the Galle Fort is a must and a peaceful boat ride along the Madu River will calm your senses.

Handunugoda Tea Factory

Visit Handunugoda Tea Factory which is also known as the Virgin White Tea Factory. Learn the history of the tea that this factory produces. Get to know how the famous Virgin White Tea is plucked and processed completely untouched by human hands. Engage in a tasting session with a delicious cup of tea and scrumptious chocolate cake. Get a chance to purchase some tea leaves as a souvenir.

Kosgoda Turtle Hatchery

Visit the Kosgoda Turtle Hatchery on the Southwestern coast of Sri Lanka. Learn more about the five endangered sea turtle species that come to the shores of Sri Lanka to nest. Learn how the Kosgoda Turtle Care Program helps protect the nests until they hatch and increases the chances of survival for the babies. Get a chance to see, touch and feed baby turtles; or even injured adult turtles that the Turtle Hatchery cares for.

Galle Fort Guided Walking Tour

Explore the secrets of Galle where the Portuguese and Dutch made their headquarters. Visit the Galle Fort which is one of the best preserved fortifications in Asia. View the museums of Galle and the lighthouse. Walk through the cobblestoned streets with their Dutch names and listen to your guide tell their stories. Relax with a king coconut or a cup of tea caressed by a breeze of the tropics.

Madu River

Go on a wonderful boat ride down the Madu River with its flourishing ecosystem. Pass through the secretive passages created by the mangroves. See the basking crocodiles and water monitors. Visit one of the small islands with its cinnamon harvesting natives. Enjoy the restorative qualities of the famous fish massage. Observe the water birds in their natural habitats.

1 Night in Colombo

En route to Colombo, you will visit the Lunuganga Estate which is a home of a renowned architect. Then, you will be enjoying a city tour exploring some of the well known landmarks in the area. You can also enjoy the night life, the weekend parties, the good food, live bars and night clubs where you can dance the night away.

Lunuganga Estate

Visit the country home of the famous Sri Lankan architect Sir Geoffrey Bawa. Do a tour of its uniquely designed gardens and the sections of the home that are open to the public? See his signature design style that made Bawa possibly the best architect in the history of modern Sri Lanka

Colombo City Tour

Experience the colorful lights and brigh t life of Colombo, the capital City of Sri Lanka. Visit historic monuments such as the Old Lighthouse, the Old ParliamentGalle Face HotelGalle Face Green, the National Museum and more. Enjoy the malls of Independence Square or the Race Course. Visit boutique shops and designer stores.

Colombo Night Life

Welcome to Colombo, The City of Lights. Party at the coolest and most entertaining nightclubs in Sri Lanka. Drink and dance on Colombo’s beaches, at the big weekend parties with their colorful cocktails and thumping music. Try your luck at the casinos of Colombo. Get some delicious food at the delightful boutique restaurants that stay open till late. The night has never been brighter or better until Colombo.


After a relaxed morning and breakfast at the hotel check out and, drive to the Airport for your flight back home.


  • Transport in a Private Vehicle, Fuel, Parking & Highway tolls.
  • Service of English-Speaking Chauffeur Guide.
  • All prevailing taxes and service charges.
  • 2 x 500ml Water Bottles per Person per Day.


  • Hotel Accommodation and Meals.
  • Entrance fees to the respective sites.
  • Chauffeur Guide's Accommodation.
  • Expenses of personal nature.
  • Visa and Related Expenses.
  • Tips & Portages.


  • 1 x 1 Liter water bottle per person per day.
  • 1 x Local SIM card per room.
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