Beach and the City
Four days in atropical island and thinking of what to do? Why not spend the entire holidaybasking under the sun? The closest tourist hot spot to the BandaranaikeInternational Airport is Negombo, a bustling fishing hub with a soundinghistory ruled under foreign invaders. Your three nights in Negombo will bespent well and what more than lazing on the beach with palms swaying away. Thebusy streets can be explored with time in hand while the Negombo beach also hasfacilities offering various high adrenalin water sports. For a more calmerexperience, there are diving excursions that can be organized off the coast ofNegombo with some well know shipping wrecks readily available to explore andadmire.
海滩与城市(4 天)
海滩与城市(4 天)
(SKU: LK10457000) 探索繁华的城市街道,在沙滩上弄湿双脚。在前往斯里兰卡的旅程中探索这座城市和沙滩。通过我们量身定制的套餐,您可以体验所有您梦寐以求的阳光和城市
。在尼甘布住宿 3 晚
在斯里兰卡西海岸的尼甘布沙滩上享受阳光。观看蓬勃发展的鱼业,这是一项已有数百年历史的传统。参加一些有趣的水上运动,让肾上腺素飙升。潜水时享受珊瑚和水下生活。参观海岸附近的这艘拥有 50 年历史的沉船,那里有许多品种的鱼类
- 3 晚根据上述行程在酒店或类似标准的酒店住宿
- 以住宿和早餐为基础的膳食,从第 2 天的早餐开始,到第 4 天的早餐结束
- 在整个行程中乘坐空调车提供私人接送服务,包括机场接送服务。(2010 年及以上 Mandufacted)
- 讲英语的司机导游服务
- 所有适用的当前地方税,但在预订时可能会发生变化
- 入境签证费,请访问 了解更多详情/提交您的个人签证申请
- 国际/国内机票
- 任何个人性质的开支
- 小贴士和搬运费
- 饮料成本
- 未指明的餐食
- 入场费和其他上面未提及的服务
- 每人每天 1 x 1 升水瓶
- 每间客房 1 张本地 SIM 卡
3 Nights in Negombo
In this tour package you will be experiencing the golden sandy beaches of Negombo which is located along the West coast and very closer to the International Airport. This old fishing hub is still favoured for its sun and sand with many water sports available. From high adrenalin sports to calm diving excursions, you can enjoy it all.
Enjoy the sun on the sandy beaches of Negombo on the Western Coast of Sri Lanka. Watch the flourishing fish industry, which is a centuries-old tradition. Ride an adrenaline high with some fun water sports. Enjoy the corals and underwater life while diving. See the 50-year-old ship-wreck just off the coast, where many varieties of fish make their home
After the breakfast at the hotel check out and proceed to airport after spending a memorable time in this island.