Luxury Tours

If you are constantly yearning for the finer things in life and can afford a luxurious holiday, why not fly to Sri Lanka and absorb the exotic pleasures we have to offer? We at Lakpura can provide you with a tour itinerary that consists of the most lavish abodes in the island along with luxury travel options. With a wide range of boutique hotels and private villas available, we assure you of the best services along with your privacy at all times upon request.

We can take you on a journey where you can explore the wildlife and heritage of Sri Lanka while enjoying luxurious amenities in one of the private abodes or star class hotels as per your liking. With your very own scenic views, private Jacuzzis and pools large and comfortable living spaces with plush, topical furnishings and designs, your holiday will be a memorable one. The food is second to no other with succulent seafood and local produce available at all times. From cliquish parties on your own private beach to a romantic candle lit sit down dinner planned with some good music and some of the finest wines, a holiday filled with luxury and experiences awaits. You can even wake up in a forest reserve where luxurious tents and canopies will be set for your accommodation. Luxury catamarans can also be rented during your stay.

With a handful of world renowned restaurant chains, shopping malls and boutiques, shopping in Sri Lanka will be an added advantage. You can also purchase rare gems and jewellery which is a well known industry in the country.

Call Lakpura today and reserve your holiday now.

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