
Belihuloya 是斯里兰卡萨巴拉加穆瓦省拉特纳普拉区的一个村庄。它位于科伦坡东南约 150 千米(93 英里)处,位于海拔 616 米(2,021 英尺)处。这个山坡位置是一个气候过渡区,连接干湿区以及山地和低地地区。Belihuloya 源自流经该地区的 Belih Oya(“Oya” 在僧伽罗语中意为河流)。


拉特纳普勒斯里兰卡萨巴拉加穆瓦省的省会,也是该镇所在的拉特纳普勒区。它位于科伦坡东南约 101 公里处,是历史悠久的宝石开采业的中心,包括宝石、蓝宝石和其他宝石。除了宝石开采外,该镇还以水稻和水果种植而闻名。城镇周围有大型的茶叶和橡胶种植园。在该地区种植的茶被称为低地茶。拉特纳普勒有完善的旅游业。辛哈拉贾森林保护区、乌达瓦拉维国家公园基图尔加拉斯里帕达在游客中特别受欢迎。


拉特纳普勒的特殊地方:Sr i Pada-Adam's PeakMaha Saman DevalaDelgamu ViharayaPothgul Viharaya、Sts.彼得和保罗大教堂、圣路加教堂Rathneswaram Sivan KovilJumma Mosq ue、Diva Guhava


斯里兰卡的萨巴拉加穆瓦省包含两个主要城市,分别是拉特纳普勒和凯格勒拉特纳普勒海拔约500英尺,是萨巴尔加穆瓦的省会。它距离主要的沿海城市科伦坡 60 英里(100 千米)。萨巴拉加穆瓦省斯里兰卡的宝石开采中心也是南部平原和东部山地之间的主要十字路口。


About Ratnapura District

Ratnapura is the provincial capital of Sabaragamuwa Province of Sri Lanka and the Ratnapura District in which the town is situated. Located some 101 km south east of Colombo, it is the centre of a long-established industry of precious stone mining including rubies, sapphires, and other gems. Apart from gem mining, the town is known for rice and fruit cultivations. Large plantations of tea and rubber surround the town. Tea grown in this region is called low-country tea. There is a well-established tourism industry in Ratnapura. Sinharaja Forest Reserve, Udawalawe National Park, Kitulgala, and Sri pada are especially popular among tourists.

Most of the large-scale gem businessmen of Sri Lanka operate from Ratnapura. The Rattnapura town depends on the gem trade. The town's agricultural industry is also well developed. Large plantations of tea and rubber surround the town. Although rice fields also used to be a common sight around the town, rice cultivation presently faces an uncertain future in Ratnapura because many farmers are giving up their rice cultivation and switching to gem mining which is a more productive way of earning money.

Special places in Rattnapura: The mountain Sri Pada -Adam's Peak, Maha Saman Devala, Delgamu Viharaya, Pothgul Viharaya, Sts. Peter and Paul Cathedral St. Luke's Church, Rathneswaram Sivan Kovil, Jumma Mosque, Diva Guhava

About Sabaragamuwa Province

The Sabaragamuwa Province of Sri Lanka contains two main cities called Ratnapura and Kegalle. At an elevation of approximately 500 feet above sea level, Ratnapura is the provincial capital of Sabargamuwa. It is 60 miles (100 km) from the main coastal city of Colombo. Province of Sabaragamuwa The gem-mining centre of Sri Lanka is also a major crossroad between southern plains and the hill country to the east.

In Sabaragamuwa province there is a route to Sri Pada from Ratnapura direction. Excursions include Sinharaja Forest Reserve and Udawalawe National Park. The route towards hill country is beautiful. The surrounding area is a popular trekking destination and a good place for bird watching.